Fans of the Fab Four around the world will have the chance to celebrate their favorite band during Beatles Day 09 and raise money
for the Imagine Appeal for the Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and the Marina Dalglish Appeal for a radiotherapy centre in Liverpool. Officially launched by Julia Baird – sister – and Ricky Tomlinson, the event will take place on July 10 in places as diverse as China, Russia, New Zealand and of course Liverpool. The Imagine Appeal is a fundraising campaign launched in 2005 with the help of to raise money for Alder Hey Children’s Hospital – the largest children’s hospital in Europe. Since 1914, the hospital has led the way in the care of sick children and now treats more than 200,000 young patients every year. And with patrons such as Wayne Rooney, the Imagine Appeal aims to make the work of the hospital easier.
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