BEREA — Ward 2 Councilman Nick Haschka and Ken Limpert, who both run the Coe Lake summer car show, have taken their love of
community and classic cars and turned them into a charity event. On June 21, they will host a benefit car show “Cruisin’ Berea for the Kids” for the . The show will run from 3-9 p.m. at the Berea Triangle. There’s a $5 entry fee for classic cars. All proceeds will be donated to the Children’s Home. “We’re encouraging all downtown businesses to be open because this is going to draw a lot of people. We’re expecting anywhere from 300-400 cars. It’s going to be a big one,” Haschka said. “We wanted to do something charitable, and we finally have a venue to do that in. With the reinvention of the Coe Lake shows, we have a following.” Aside from historic cars, show go-ers can also partake in 50/50 raffles. Limpert grew up in and was badly burned as a child. He said this is his way of giving back and saying thanks. “People donated to my family and did all kinds things when this happened to me. Had it not been for the people in my neighborhood, I might not be here today. I could never forget that,” he said. Haschka said it’s about community for him.
“It’s about community involvement and helping out some charities in the process,” he said.