Berryt Street Football Cup

Berry Street Victoria Football Cup

The Demons and the Tigers willgo head to head, and boot to muddy boot again this year, to battle it out for the Berry Street Victoria Football Cup.
The Melbourne and Richmond Footy Clubs clash next week at the MCG to raise funds for Berry Street, an independent not for profit organisation existing to increase the chances of life and laughter for kids and youth at risk or who have experienced trauma through family violence, abuse and neglect.
The Richmond and Melbourne Football Clubs have supported Berry Street for more than 20 years, donning stripy socks and downing half-time oranges to play the Cup for this major fundraising event.
Before the game, volunteers will walk around with a different kind of tinny in their hands, the rattling kind that you can drop your gold coin donations into.
In fact if you’re really enthusiastic they still need a couple of volunteers to help take the tins around.
Then once the formalities are over, the shouting, pie eating and pigskin kicking can begin.
The Berry Street Victoria Football Cup is on Friday June 22.

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