Big Gay Day 2009 Line Up 2009: Excited! 2009

Big Gay Day 2009 Line Up

Get excited! The line up for the 2009 Brisbane Big Gay Day has just been released.
Mega Drag and The Ultimate Kyle Show will also be there to entertain, so expect your fill of sequins, pop songs and synchronized dance moves. Those looking for DJ’s will be very happy, as the list includes some hot names both interstate and local. Featuring Kandi Kane, Les Smith, Mr Sparkles, Khris, Ish, Matt Steer, Corey Czok, The Double Up Bears, Neroli, Harry and Paulie B. Rhys Bobridge ( from So You Think You Can Dance) was set to appear, but was pulled from the line up at the last minute. Unfortunately he was double booked on that weekend and decided not to go with Big Gay Day, possibly a bad decision as the annual event pulls in 6000+ people and raises money for several local charity’s including the Gay and Lesbian Welfare Association ( GLWA), Queensland Association for Healthy Community’s ( QAHC) and Open Doors. Watch this space for more news and features on Brisbane Big Gay Day 2009. Have something to say Join the and get it out there. To post a comment, you need to be a SameSame Member hazyinseptember joined us ages ago.
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