Get involved MORE than 2,000 riders took part in a charity motorcycle ride to Stourport yesterday to raise money for young people with cancer.
The fourth annual Ryan’s Ryde met at Hopwood services at junction two of the M42 at 11.30am before finishing at The Old Beams pub in Stourport at about 12.45pm. Bikes, scooters, trikes, sidecars and three wheelers all turned up making donations from £3 to as much as £1,000. Stourport Mayor John Holden was on hand to greet participants with organisers aiming to raise about £7,000 for the Paul Ackrill fund. Ryan’s Ride was organised in memory of a 19-year-old cancer victim Ryan Yates and has raised over £5,000 for a Brierley Hill charity. Ryan’s grandparents Beau and Barbara Yates from Castle Bromwich, organise the event every year as a tribute to Ryan, who died of cancer, in March 2006. The first rally was held in memory of Ryan because he loved to bike.
Since then they have raised thousands of pounds for charity and are hoping that yesterday’s ride will raise over £7,000 for the Paul Ackrill fund.