Moments like these usually only happen in movies such as “Caddyshack,” and yet there he stood — Bill Murray, the Clown Prince of Pebble
Beach — in his most dramatic role ever. “This …” he declared dramatically, “… is the biggest putt of my life.” Then Murray showed the large crowd exactly what he is — a comedian and movie star, not a professional golfer. He blew the putt, enabling the team Bolton will donate his half of the winnings to Michael Bolton Charities, and James will give his to the John A. Moran Eye Center. True to his competitive spirit, Murray was all but inconsolable after the dramatic miss. “It was the biggest putt of my life and I hit it badly. It was no good at all,” he told the crowd in an apologetic tone. “It’s great to be here in the wonderful community of Monterey, but basically … well, I feel like a loser.” Murray and his partner, singer Huey Lewis, joined an
Most of the celebrities displayed golf swings that indicate they have way too much time to play golf. Berman, with all the grace and form of a man falling out of a tree, is the exception. But clearly none of them play enough.