Brave Duncan Nottingham Pushes Himself To Limits For Spinal 2009: 300pm Friday

Brave Duncan Nottingham pushes himself to limits for spinal

3:00pm Friday 14th August 2009 AGAINST medical advice brave Duncan Nottingham pushed himself to the limits to raise money for leading spinal injuries charity
Aspire. Duncan, 50, an engineering craftsman at Delphi Diesel Systems in Stonehouse, took part in the Enduroman Double Iron Man UK challenge for spinal injury charity Aspire on Sunday, August 2. Five weeks before the event, during training, Duncan fell off his bike breaking his collarbone and tearing his hamstring, but this did not put Duncan off the challenge. The event started at 6am on Saturday, August 1 and finished on Sunday, August 2 at the Friary Grange Leisure Centre in Lichfield, Staffordshire. Duncan, along with 71 other competitors had to swim 4.8 miles, cycle 224 miles and run 52 miles, the equivalent of completing over 10 marathons in just two days.
Duncan said:

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