AN East Kilbride teenager who overcame leukaemia plans to launch herself 100 feet from a crane in an attempt to raise awareness and much-needed
funds for The Anthony Nolan Trust. The prospect of taking part in the charity’s zip-slide fundraiser on Sunday, April 5, does not bother 16-year-old Calderglen High School pupil Amanda Cameron in the slightest. For she has already had to overcome much greater challenges in her young life. The fifth year pupil, who lives in Greenhills, was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in 2006. And, following an intense course of chemotherapy, she was given the all-clear in October, last year. Although Amanda did not need a bone marrow transplant, she is still keen to highlight the work of The Anthony Nolan Trust, which has saved over 5000 people from leukaemia since its launch in 1974. The charity was instrumental in finding a donor for young East Kilbride girl Katie Currie, who is still fighting for her health.
It costs the charity £125 to fully tissue-type each new donor and place them onto the register and the money raised at the zip-slide will enable it to maintain and expand the bone marrow register in Scotland.