Brazillian Teen Jonas Brothers Inspire Teens To Give Back 2009: Jonas Brothers

Brazillian teen Jonas Brothers inspire teens to give back

The Jonas Brothers are a world-wide success, listed ninth in money earned while on tour last year.
But they’re not just a phenomenon, they are boys trying to improve the world. The Jonas Brothers earned about $12 million in 2007, and have donated 10 percent of their earnings to their charity, Change for the Children Foundation. The foundation supports programs that inspire children to face adversity with confidence, determination and a will to succeed. Nick Jonas was diagnosed with diabetes when he was 13. Now 16, he is a diabetes ambassador for Bayer Diabetes Care, working to increase awareness of juvenile diabetes. “Anytime we can do something to help other people, to have a voice and have an influence, it’s really an honor,” Nick said. That quote has inspired Jonas fans in Brazil and Colombia to start the S.O.S. Project. The fans meet to have fun, talk about the band and, at the same time, to donate food and help other people. Their first meeting, in February, helped a social organization which takes care of aged people. Members of the group are looking forward to holding one event each month. The group will collect food and clothing donations and will hold an event called the Winter Games (during July, Brazilian winter) in which people compete to help the most. The winner gets a book of the band, which is really expensive in this country.
The work it takes to organize this social project is worthwhile. It doesn’t just happen in only one city. Boys and girls coordinate the project across the country. The results are encouraging.

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