Natalie Gulbis, a Yankees fan from California, was named to the 2009 United States Solheim Cup team.
“I was not a Yankees fan until I met Derek,” said. “Now I watch them whenever I can. When we play our spring tour event in New Jersey, we go to the Yankees games. About 20 players sometimes go over to Yankee Stadium.” Playing in Jeter’s event has allowed Gulbis to assess the golf swings of various major league baseball players. Some are good, she said, but many resemble the usual amateur swings she sees during weekly L.P.G.A. pro-am events. “Like many amateurs, their backswings are very fast &151 too fast,” Gulbis said. “They think that is the key to hitting the ball farther, and it isn’t.” Gulbis noted that a good baseball swing can include a backward movement to start the swing, but it is not rushed or jerky. “You need rhythm and tempo to succeed in every sport,” she said. Another of Gulbis’s observations of baseball players turned golfers sounded familiar: “They don’t spend enough time on their short games.”
Ken Bacon of Refugees International, a passionate spokesman for voiceless people in the world, has died.