Members of the El Campo Rotary and Lions clubs will hold their meetings at the El Campo Volunteer Fire Department Training Field behind
Friendship Park the next few months while the Civic Center is under renovation. Rotarians move to the Training Field tomorrow, Thursday, Feb. 12, and the Lions will start meeting at the ECVFD facility Tuesday, Feb. 17.
The Craig-Harriss American Legion Post 251 holds its Executive Committee meeting today at 6 p.m. in the auxiliary room.
El Campo AARP Chapter 1419 meets today at the El Campo Library. Lunch at noon and meeting at 1 p.m. Members may register for a defensive driving course at El Campo Memorial Hospital. Call 543-0011 or 543-3514.
The 100 Club of Wharton County Inc. hosts its annual membership meeting Thursday, Feb. 12 at the Wharton Civic Center. The social hour begins at 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 7 p.m., a business meeting and then a program by District Attorney Josh McCown. All members are encouraged to attend and new members are always welcome. For information call Gary Trochta at 543-1040.
The February meeting of the Wharton Garden Club is Thursday, Feb. 12 at the Wharton Museum of Natural History. The gathering starts at 9 a.m. with coffee and snacks, with a 9:30 a.m. presentation by Bobby Cragg who will give a talk on “Images of Nature: Photographing Your Plants.” A short business meeting follows the presentation. For information call Pam Nash at 979-531- 0913 or e-mail