Join Sammi Hanratty, designer Boy Meets Girl and CSEE at Bloomingdales for a Bully Bust 2009 t-shirt signing and campaign kickoff. Meet Sammi and pick up free resources about bullying!
And, when you purchase the Stand Up to Bullying t-shirt designed by the super stylish and awesome Stacy M. Igel of Boy Meets Girl, you will be donating a portion to the proceeds to our bully prevention work with schools!
For New York City our BullyBust 2009 campaign party will be held on Friday September 11th from 4:00pm-6:00pm at the Bloomingdales on 59th and Lexington (8th floor).
For Los Angeles our BullyBust 2009 campaign party will be held on Saturday September 19th from 1:00pm-4:00pm at the Bloomingdales in the Century City Shopping Center.
These events are open to anyone who is committed to raising awareness about the need to eliminate bullying and violence in our schools nationwide!
Please spread the word of our event/campaign. It only takes a mintue and you will be helping us give resources to kids who may need your help!