Wednesday, May 13 – Lincoln Open Space Committee meets – The Open Space Committee meets regularly on the second Wednesday of each month in
the new Lincoln City Hall, 600 6th Street. Citizens meet with City Staff and elected officials to discuss future open space planning as well as any current concerns. Wednesday, May 13 – Mt. Pleasant 4-H meeting – The next meeting of Mt. Pleasant 4-H is tonight, 7 p.m. at Mt. Pleasant Hall, 3333 Mt. Pleasant Road in Lincoln. Record books are due on May 20. There is a record book workshop on Thursday, May 14 at 6 p.m. at Mt. Pleasant Hall. Members are encouraged to get their project leaders to sign their project reports and annual completion forms prior to the meeting. Members are required to attend at least 80% of project and community meetings to be eligible to show. Contact your project leaders to make up any missed meetings. To make up a missed community meeting, please plan on making a presentation at the May 13 meeting or writing an article in the Greensheets. Contact Terry Gage at 645-1285 is you have any questions about your attendance or make up meetings. Wednesday, May 13 – VFW Post 3010 – Meets every second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Veteran’s Memorial Hall, 541 Fifth Street. Wednesday, May 13 – Free Bottle of Vitamin water 10 – All day long Massage Envy of Lincoln will be offering a free bottle of Vitamin Water 10 for anyone who receives a massage in clinic. Massage Envy is located at the Gateway Plaza in Lincoln. Wednesday, May 13 – Root Cellar-Sacramento Genealogical society – Presents “Digging It!!†by Root Cellar’s President, Marilyn Ulbricht. “Diggin It!!†will be based on using other disciplines such as Archeology, History, and Genealogy to prove your family history or your “Genealogy Reality†as you think you know it. Wednesday at 7 p.m. Citrus Heights Community Center, 6921 Sylvan Road in Citrus Heights. http://www/
Please contact Sammie Hudgens at (916)481-4930 for further information.