Roni Proter April 28, 2009 This is Frank the dog’s final fitting before the big event, ‘Canine Meets Couture’.
Terri Tomlinson says, “We’ll have a big runway show with professional dog and people models to showcase all our designs.” He’ll strut down the runway, with other pooches wearing big name designers. Terri says, “Abby Ferin, who’s local, Shawnee studios out of NY, Todd Oldham, Nicolas, who’s a local designer.” And Kameron Westcott says, “We have the silver tule metallic some butterfly silver aplique on the silk dress.” Frank’s the mascot, leading the pack with a stiff leg. He was hit by a car several years ago and like most of the other dogs here, owes his recovery to a local animal rescue group. Lisa Ann Haram says, ‘Every animal I’ve owned since I was little has been a rescue so I am very happy to support those charities.’ Why the way you use Facebook might change soon! At least 17 schools have closed for the week and thousands of Texas students are missing school on an important day of standardized state tests because of swine flu fears. High school senior Hayden Henshaw went to his doctor late last week suffering the classic achy, sniffly feverishness of a flu bug — unpleasant but not terribly worrisome until lab tests came back.
This is a fashion show, but the four legged kind. The 33’s Entertainment Reporter Roni Proter has the story