Cant Miss It Tuesday 2009: Free Iron

Cant Miss It Tuesday

FREE IRON & WINE : If you were hoping to catch at the Triple Door–and found out like us that it is completely sold
out–Capitol Hill’s Sonic Boom will be hosting a live, acoustic, all-ages show for free to help celebrate the new release of the band’s latest album Around the Well. On sale to the public May 19, this is a 2-CD/3-LP collection of out-of-print and never-before-released rare tracks.This is the first we’ve heard from Mr. Beam in a couple years, and it should be a great show. Keep in mind though–there will be a line, and most likely that line will be very, very long. It is highly recommended to get there early.
WRITERS ON ART: Local writers Ryan Boudinot and Lesley Hazelton will be reading from , an anthology that as well includes Seattle favorites such as Rebecca Brown, Peter Pereira, Richard Hugo, Frances McCue, and many more. Boudinot and Hazelton are two of our personal favorites, so we’re pretty excited about getting them together in the same place, especially for a free event. The anthology pairs the writers with works of art from the Seattle Frye Art Museum’s permanent collection and exhibits, allowing them to contribute responses within their own ranges of style and form to give the art new perspective.

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