Car Enthusiasts Cruise Square For Charity Event 2009: Woodstock 8211

Car enthusiasts cruise Square for charity event

WOODSTOCK – A young man walked up to Everett Kuhn and with a handshake said, “beautiful car, sir” as he viewed the 1937 Cord
812. Kuhn knows the car well. He has owned four of them, this one since 1962 and bought parts from 20 states to build one himself. It took 10 years, he said. But the 94-year-old Woodstock resident, spoke proudly of the car that attracted a small crowd on the Square in Woodstock. “It drives well on the road. It’s a plain, beautiful automobile,” he said. The Woodstock Square was lined with proud owners who displayed more than 300 classic cars and hot rods Saturday at the Kroozers Cars for Kids fundraiser. Jon Bishop showed off his 1967 fire-engine red Chevy Corvette, noting it was the car that he wanted since it was built. Buying it in 1998 was a dream fulfilled. He built a third garage at his Woodstock home just for it. He was proud to show it off at his first Kroozers show.
“Many mistake it for another year, but I straighten them out for what it is,” he said with a smile. “They are surprised the condition it is in.”

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