Celebrity Apprentice Joan Rivers Trumps Nazi Nemesis Annie Duke 2009: Apparently Calling

Celebrity Apprentice Joan Rivers Trumps Nazi Nemesis Annie Duke

Apparently, name calling isn’t a deal breaker for Donald Trump.
At least that’s the way it seemed on tonight’s The Celebrity Apprentice season two finale. After three grueling hours of Trump’s promises of “vicious” competition between the finalists, entertainment icon, , was hired and world poker-pro, Annie Duke, got the boot. As Duke stated in her final plea, “She called my friends Mafia and said that I was worse than Hitler. That is not professional.” Professionalism aside, Trump made the call and to the surprise of, well, no one, Rivers&mdashand her charity, God’s Love We Deliver&mdashemerged victorious. The real drama happened when Rivers and Duke faced-off in the final boardroom and past teammates were reunited to hash things out for the last time. But things weren’t so congenial between Rodman and former pal and Apprentice contestant Jesse James. Angry about being called out by James over addiction issues, Rodman said, “Of course I have a problem. I had a problem years ago. I fixed that, I came back.” Rodman made it personal when he addressed James’ claim that his friends don’t have money, calling out the bikers’ wife, actress . “Your wife makes 20 million dollars a movie and you’re going to tell me your friends don’t have money”
To which James replied, “If you weren’t so stupid you’d know that the only reason I said anything to you is because I care about you.” Trump ended up siding with Rodman, telling James that calling someone stupid is not being a good friend, either.

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