A SUCCESSFUL charity boxing fight night was held at the Easterbrook Hall on Friday night.
Competitors took part in a six-month training regime in preparation for the bouts. And the fighters didn’t disappoint, entertaining a packed hall and raising thousands of pounds for charity. Funds were raised for the Mark Wright Project – a charity that supports ex-servicemen and women who suffer from post traumatic stress. The 400-plus crowd watched the ten bouts, a charity raffle, and a performance from local dance act Body Electric. A moving speech about the Mark Wright Project was also given by Paul Hartley, who was serving with Mark when he died fighting in Afghanistan. Former forces man Robert McVie of Golden Gloves Boxing organised and ran the event. He said: “We were pleased with how the night went.
“There were a few teething problems – silly things like we were without a bell at the start and the sound system wasn’t great.