Charity Night At Much Marcle Pub 2009: Send News

Charity night at Much Marcle pub

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Text MG News, leave a space, tell us your news, and send… 4:50pm Tuesday 28th April 2009 A BINGO and tombola night is being held at a Much Marcle pub to raise money for the Starlight Children’s Foundation. The event has been organised by Melissa Jones, a support worker at Leadon Bank, and Zowey Twigg, who works at Ledbury Primary School. The event is at the Royal Oak on Wednesday, May 13, at 7pm. It will include free scampi and chips, and cakes and light refreshments will be available to buy during the evening. Entry is free, and the bingo is 50p a book, and the tombola 25p a go, or five goes for

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