Charity Poker Event To Take Place Saturday 2009: Conway Ar

Charity poker event to take place Saturday

CONWAY, AR- Conway Police need your help in identifying suspects that caused extensive damage to Carl Stuart Middle School on April 18th and April
25th. Security video from April 18th school cameras show four young white males walking down one of the school hallways at 2AM. These suspects caused over twenty thousand dollars worth of damage to school property. The suspects used a riding floor cleaning machine to damage tables, walls, lockers, water fountains, in addition to driving the machine into a toilet and water fountain, causing flood water damage to numerous rooms and offices. Other damages reported were defecation and urination on some of the office equipment with additional flooding to the kitchen areas. The second in a three-game Texas Hold ’em series with a progressive prize pool will be held Saturday at the Bargain Hunters Warehouse, 1238 McNutt Road in Conway. The event is limited to the first 80 players. There will be a buy-in of $100 and $50 re-buys and add-ons. A pre-game special is available for two for $80. The tournament starts at 7 p.m. with registration at the door beginning at 6 p.m. Pre-registration is already open. The proceeds, after prizes and expenses, will go to local Central Arkansas charities.

Event Date and Time:
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