Club Launches New Race To Replace Scenic Challenge 2009: Major Fundraising

Club launches new race to replace Scenic Challenge

A MAJOR fundraising race in Plymouth has been scrapped because of the falling number of entries.
Organisers Instinctive Sports, who are based at Marjons, took the decision to axe the annual Scenic Challenge when numbers fell to 100. The club, which supports St Lukes Hospice with the proceeds from the Scenic Challenge, have now launched a new race which they hope will more than replace its predecessor. Members are confident their Plym Valley Challenge, to be held in June, will be a success. They are also running the event, on Sunday, June 14, to celebrate the club’s 25th anniversary. One of the new race organisers, Nigel Wilson, said Instinctive ran their Scenic Challenge six-mile race from Staddiscombe for seven years up to 2008. But he said: “It was a good race, but for some reason numbers seemed to drop off – we don’t really know why.
“There seems to be no reason why some races are well supported, while others aren’t.

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