Coaches Vs Cancer Event Set For Second Goround In Vegas 2009: Unlv Basketball

Coaches vs Cancer event set for second goround in Vegas

UNLV BASKETBALL: UNLV coach Lon Kruger and friends pose with a donation to the American Cancer Society at last year’s Coaches vs.
Cancer event in Las Vegas. Contributed Art UNLV coach Lon Kruger lines up for a putt at last year’s Coaches vs. Cancer event. Lon Kruger looks at last year’s Coaches vs. Cancer event in Las Vegas as just a starting point. As the second installment gets set to kick off next weekend, beginning with a Party at the Palms, he can feel the momentum gaining. “It’s got a little bit more of a foothole the second time around,” the UNLV men’s basketball coach said. “Our coaches coming back, it’s a very similar group, and there’s good local support. Times are tough, and we really appreciate that. And I think it’s obviously in support of a good cause.”
The Kruger-hosted event — with funds benefitting the American Cancer Society — begins next Sunday, May 31, with a party at the Hardwood Suite inside The Palms. The party will include food, drink, a silent auction and live entertainment. Tickets for the party are $100.

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