You are here: Home / Articles / Competition News / Eventing 1 May, 2009 Event director Nicholas Pritchard said: “We are really hoping to
find that particular image that epitomises the special atmosphere at Bramham during the event. We hope that visitors &mdash young and old, amateur and professional &mdash will all have a go.” The picture doesn’t need to be a photographic masterpiece, but the team at Bramham are looking for an image that captures the spirit of the four-day event. The winner will not only have their image on the cover at next year’s event, but they also receive a free members pass for the entire 2010 trials. This competition is part of an array of fashion and photography activities at Bramham this year, including a ticket-only fashion show inside Bramham House’s Long Gallery on Thursday night.
The fahion show will help boost funds for the event’s nominated charity for 2009, Martin House.