4:51pm Thursday 30th April 2009 HUNDREDS of cyclists are being invited to a family fun day to help raise money for a leukaemia charity.
It is followed by the John Wade Family Fun Day from noon until 4pm, which will include music from the Middlesbrough Jazz and Blues Orchestra, and local bands The Mystery Machine and Twister. There will also be a children’s craft session, a Punch and Judy show, fun fair and face painting. Bruce Whitley from John Wade said: “It’s great to be associated with the family fun day. We’ve seen the major investment the council has made in South Park. “It’s now a wonderful-looking park and this promises to be a really superb day out for everyone.” Councillor Andy Scott, cabinet member for health and leisure, said: “The John Wade Family Fun Day is a fantastic day out. It’s now in its third year and its a great opportunity for families to get out and enjoy what is a beautiful park.
“South Park is the North-East’s oldest park and it makes the perfect setting for what is a great, fun event.”