The entry titled “Death knell for city’s foot races.” A marathon without live music Fewer small foot races So much paperwork due so far
in advance that non-profits can’t afford to put on charity events That could happen under the proposed Street Events Closure ordinance, says one of the biggest players in the Austin running community. Conley says he supports improved coordination of events that shut downtown streets, but the proposed ordinance goes too far. He’s encouraging members of the running community to call city council members and the mayor to register their concerns in advance of the Austin City Council meeting on Thursday, April 30. The ordinance would give neighborhood associations the power to veto any race that runs within half a mile of their neighborhood, sending it to the city’s Transportation Commission, which would then make a recommendation to the council on whether or not to allow it. “They could derail a race or force (organizers) to reroute. Then we end up with a Frankencourse — a zig here and zag there. It doesn’t make sense to runners and for access,” Conley says. The ordinance also includes a propose timetable that requires race organizers to submit completed paperwork four months before an event. Large events like the Austin Marathon are planned years in advance and could comply, but small startup events put on by non-profits would be hurt, Conley says.
“It’s a very unwieldy process,” he says. “It creates an overwhelming paper log jam.”