Even if Carlos Delgado said last night to pencil him in the lineup for July 28, who would believe him Nine days after hip
surgery, about a return, and that’s pretty much how he played it in talking to Newsday’s Katie Strang. The good news His appearance alone at the Mets’ charity event in Greenwich, Conn. had to be encouraging for the club. Propped on crutches, he didn’t seem to be in much pain, and Delgado already has begun limited rehab activities. But it’s impossible for the Mets to make any projections for his return until Delgado gets on a field again, for baseball activity, and that could be a while. I’m betting that Delgado will be back and productive. He’s always kept himself in pretty decent shape, is a hard worker and also is determined to play beyond this season. His desire to continue playing for a couple of more years could be the biggest motivating factor to get him back with the Mets this season. As for two of the short-term D-Listers, Jose Reyes and Ryan Church, sitting for two weeks is no picnic, as . As for Reyes, he still has no idea how or why his knee tendinitis popped up, and it was interesting to note that the shoe reps from Under Armour showed up on Wednesday to take a closer look at his customized foot measurements. This is Reyes’ first year with Under Armour — after leaving Nike — and given his long history of leg problems, it makes you wonder if there’s any connection. I’m not saying it’s UA’s fault. It’s just that Reyes hasn’t been on the DL since 2004 and I don’t know what other changes he’s made to his routine other than a new shoe contract.