SYDNEY hot gospeller Max Markson claims to be the leading twitterer in Coathanger City, but we can’t vouch for the twits who respond.
At Myer’s Precious Metal Ball at the Melbourne Museum on Friday night, Markson twittered on his Blackberry that the event was raising cash for Olivia Newton-John’s cancer charity &euro” only to receive a twittish message that “if I ever have a child I want it to turn out like Olivier”. We guess that’s a son like Sir Laurence. But there was no doubt that it was the homegrown Hollywood songbird who was leading the band &euro” a pair of trainers belonging to Newton-John was among the items on offer in the silent auction. “I walked in them for at least 200 kilometres in the Great Walk to Beijing last year,” she told Diary, “and probably another 200 when I was training for it.” It did raise the delicate question of podiatric fragrance, which is probably why the olive-green trainers were sealed behind glass with a photo of the lady herself. However her new hubby, John Easterling, explained that these rare items would “lose value” if you ran them through the fumigator &euro” and he should know, he’s a millionaire. The Queen attended, courtesy of Gerry Connolly, and, after thanking Australia’s traditional owners (the Smorgons, and Bert and Patti Newton), she made the interesting point that she shared the same first name with the Pope: The. Yes, Her Majesty was cracking hearty, urging the black-tie mob to take the cue from Olivia’s songbook: Let’s Get Fiscal, or perhaps On The Banks of the IOU. In the end, said Markson later, they raised half a million bucks. They sold Olivia’s dress for $10,000 and Myer management paid almost as much to have her sing I Honestly Love You to Myer CEO Bernie Brookes. But don’t tell Kevin Rudd. He thinks there’s a recession .
A hygiene message from Acting Chief Health Officer, Dr Rosemary Lester as the H1N1 virus spreads across Australia.