Easy Street Home Decor Returns To Downtown 2009: Store Occupies

Easy Street Home Decor returns to downtown

Store occupies original retail space across from the courthouse Hernando Today BROOKSVILLE – The eclectic, down-home selections at Easy Street Home Decor have moved
to a more-appropriate place – the heart of downtown Brooksville. Three years ago, the owners of the building at 100 E. Jefferson St. granted a request from one of the tenants to expand. Easy Street, which previously occupied some of the building, moved a short distance south of the main downtown area to allow for its neighbor to grow its offices. The economy turned sour and the expansion never happened. The space was available again and the store returned, said co-owner Dana Reuter. “We like being downtown,” she said. “This building is better for us.”
The extended space includes a solid steel cabinet, an old-style bartending set, a custom-made dollhouse and an entire wall covered with art from co-owner Maria Greene.

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