Embracing Possibilities: Advocating for Down Syndrome Awareness and Inclusion

Empowering Lives: Join Us in Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day

Down Syndrome, a genetic condition, impacts individuals uniquely, influencing physical and cognitive development. Despite facing challenges, those with Down Syndrome contribute meaningfully to our communities. Recognizing their strengths and promoting inclusivity fosters a more compassionate society. Addressing the specific needs of individuals with Down Syndrome is crucial for creating an environment where everyone can thrive.

Down Syndrome International (DSI) passionately champions the rights and well-being of individuals with Down Syndrome worldwide. Through advocacy and support, DSI strives to break down barriers and promote inclusive environments. By fostering understanding and empowering individuals with Down Syndrome, DSI contributes to creating a world that values and embraces the unique abilities of every person.

Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day on March 31, DSI invites everyone to join a global movement advocating for the rights, inclusion, and well-being of individuals with Down Syndrome. The event promises a vibrant showcase of diverse talents, fostering awareness and understanding. Here are the details, uniting us to celebrate diversity and promote a world where every individual, regardless of abilities, is valued and embraced.

Join us to promote full inclusion on World Down Syndrome Day
In December 2011, the United Nations General Assembly declared 21 March World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD).

On this day, people with Down syndrome and those who live and work with them throughout the world organise and participate in activities and events to raise awareness. Together we create a single global voice advocating for the rights, inclusion, and well-being of people with Down syndrome.

Each year, the DSi Network chooses a campaign based on a human rights issue that we think needs urgent attention.

For WDSD 2024, the DSi network calls for Health Equity for People with Disabilities.
The DSi network will support self-advocates worldwide to speak up about their experience. Together we take our campaign to the United Nations in New York for the 13th World Down Syndrome Day Conference.

Embrace unity and register at the provided link to contribute towards fostering inclusivity and empowering individuals with Down Syndrome, making a meaningful impact on their lives.

Charity Organization Name:
Down Syndrome International
Event Location:
Virtual (online) event
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: