Fashion Art Compassion Event For Sunflower Children 2009: Face8212fashion Art

Fashion Art Compassion Event for Sunflower Children

FACE—Fashion, Art, Compassion, Event—will be held tomorrow night at , just south of downtown Seattle.
This is a major fund-raiser for the Seattle chapter of Sunflower Children. A major focus is to provide vital support—including healthcare, nutritional and other basic needs—that enable children in Sunflower Project communities to pursue educational growth. Therefore, Sunflower’s efforts encompass medical, nutritional, psychological, education, adoption and other humanitarian support that nurtures survival, health, growth and hope for orphaned, disabled, abandoned, refugee and impoverished children. “Since 1997 I have been working with orphans and deaf children in my home of the Czech Republic,” she says. “As a fashion model, I’ve had the opportunity to meet a lot of interesting and caring people.” Helena adds, “I know it is not easy to change the world, but I believe that if you change one life, you can change the whole world.” 100 percent of all public contributions directly benefit a Sunflower child. This policy is made possible through the generosity of private benefactors who directly fund Sunflower Children’s administrative, fundraising and staffing expenses.
Last year’s FACE fund-raiser garnered $27,000 to aid children in Nepal and India. Some of the things these monies provided include salaries for three teachers and support staff, basic school supplies, government curriculum text books, school operating expenses, lunch for 55 students, uniforms, and three meals a day for 98 children.

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