First Full Day For Pitchers And Catchers Is Over 2009: Pitchers Catchers

First full day for pitchers and catchers is over

The first full day for pitchers and catchers is in the books and things went very well, according to Manny Acta.
“Typical first day, a lot of enthusiasm which is what we’re trying to keep through out the six weeks we’re going to be down here,” Acta said. “There are a lot of eager kids.” Prior to taking the fields around 9:30am for the first workout, Acta held a meeting for the players who are here and his message was clear. “Last year is history and the future is unknown,” said Acta. “We have to get better right now and live in the present and put things behind us. We do have some openings here and baseball and the Nationals don’t owe anybody anything. Whatever they did last year has already been paid for and they need to come here and lock up a job.” After the team stretched and loosened up their arms, they took to four different fields this morning. Jason Bergmann, Collin Balester, Mike Hinckley, Ross Detwiler and Joel Hanrahan were in the first group to throw off the mound. John Lannan, Steven Shell, Terrell Young and Garrett Mock were in the second group and Jordan Zimmermann, Jesus Colome, Scott Olsen and Josh Towers made up the third and final group. Pitching coach Randy St. Claire was pleased with what he saw in all of the pitchers.
“Very pleased with everybody,” St.Claire said. “Everybody threw the ball real well and deliveries looked very solid. I was very impressed with a lot of the guys.”

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