First Lady Michelle Obama Dr Jill Biden And 160 Congressional 2009: Volunteer Event

First Lady Michelle Obama Dr Jill Biden and 160 Congressional

Volunteer Event Takes Place on President Barack Obama’s 100th Day in Office WASHINGTON, April 29 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Feeding America is pleased to announce that
Michelle Obama, Dr. Jill Biden and approximately 160 Congressional spouses and children volunteered at the Capital Area Food Bank today in Washington, DC. Today’s event will provide 2,000 bags of food for hungry children in the DC Metropolitan Area who participate in the “Weekend Bag Program.” Each bag contains enough food for five meals — enough food to get a child through the weekend when they do not have access to school meals. Approximately 200,000 children are at risk of hunger in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area. That is one in five children. Feeding America is the nation’s largest hunger relief organization and the Capital Area Food Bank is one of Feeding America’s 206 member food banks. Please see the attached images from today’s event.
“The work that these organizations are doing is vital at a time when so many people are struggling financially and needing to depend on food banks and soup kitchens for their daily meals. I enjoyed working at the Capital Area Food Bank today along with 160 of our Congressional spouses. I hope we will all continue to stay involved whether it is by donating goods or volunteering our time.” – First Lady Michelle Obama.

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