Flintshire Church Fundraising Event Banned From Church Grounds 2009: Red Tape

Flintshire church fundraising event banned from church grounds

RED tape has led to a Flintshire couple being banned from holding a car boot sale to raise money for their village church &ndash
because the event was due to take place on consecrated ground. Flintshire Council stepped in the day before Robin Govier (pictured) and Vivien Hills were due to open the sale at St Mary’s Church in Bagillt, which had been planned to go ahead on Saturday. Mr Govier, who is from Flint and is a member of the church congregation, said: “It seems ridiculous to me. The church vicar was perfectly happy for the sale to go ahead and she was not even consulted by the council. “We were told the council had received four complaints and that we were not allowed to go ahead with it.
“We had put a lot of time and effort into organising the sale, making and putting up posters and telling people about it.

Event Date and Time:
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