Fridays Texas Rangers Spotlight CJ Wilson 2009: Rangers Reliever

Fridays Texas Rangers spotlight CJ Wilson

Rangers reliever C.J.
Wilson had a very productive day off Thursday, when he raised more than $12,000 at his charity event, the C.J. Wilson’s Guitar Hero Metallica Madness. The proceeds for the event, which was held at 8.0 in Sundance Square, will go to Wilson’s Children’s Charities and the Texas Hemophilia Camp. “It was a lot of fun, and we raised a lot of money, more than we expected,” Wilson said. “Everyone had a good time. People could spend as much time there as they wanted and we had opportunity to extend the event.” Wilson said the event benefited from a pair of surprise donations from San Francisco Giants pitcher Barry Zito and New York Yankees outfielder Nick Swisher. Elvis Andrus, Darren O’Day and Derek Holland were also on hand, with O’Day and Holland serving as judges for the finals along with Wilson. After the event, Wilson also worked as the club’s DJ.
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