Full Tilt Lands Don Cheadle 2009: Worlds Poker

Full Tilt lands Don Cheadle

World’s Best Poker Deals Room reviews 1.
Full Tilt Poker 2. PokerStars 3. Titan Poker 4. Ultimate Bet 5. William Hill Poker 6. Absolute Poker 7. Everest Poker 8. Sportsbook Poker 9. bwin Poker 10. Pacific Poker 11. Carbon Poker 12. CD Poker 13. PlayersOnly Poker 14. Party Poker 15. ChiliPoker 16. Betfair Poker 17. Action Poker 18. Paradise Poker 19. Hollywood Poker 20. Paddy Power Poker He’s starred in major films like Oceans 11, Hotel Rwanda and Crash and now he’s bringing his star power to Poker. Poker announced Thursday it was welcoming actor, charity fundraiser and activist Don Cheadle to their team as a Friend of Full Tilt. Don Cheadle may not have much, if anything, for major tournament cashes, but he’s no stranger to poker. He’s played in televised events such as the NBC National Heads-Up Championship and Celebrity Poker Shoot-Out. The poker world sat up and took notice in 2007 when he was paired against in the first round of the NBC National Heads-Up Championship and managed to defeat one of the game’s best pros. He went on to lose in Round 2 to Scott Fischman. “I’ve done alright in the televised tourneys I’ve participated in, and I’ve won several tournaments around town,” Cheadle said. “I have yet to play in the events, but I hope my schedule will permit me to do so in the future.”
One event he has played in during the WSOP each year has been the Ante Up for Africa charity poker tournament he co-founded with and Norman Epstien. The tournament was created in 2007 and takes place during the WSOP each year to help raise money for Darfur relief.

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