Free Press columnist Mitch Albom will mark the release of his newest book with a charity event at the Fox Theatre next month.
His book is “Have A Little Faith” (Hyperion Books), his first nonfiction work since “Tuesdays With Morrie.” Albom describes it as “a book about a life’s purpose, about losing belief and finding it again, about the divine spark inside us all.” The charity event, “An Intimate Evening With Mitch Albom & Friends,” will be at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 30 at the Fox, a day after the release. Proceeds from the event will benefit S.A.Y. Detroit, Albom’s charity for homeless people, and I Am My Brother’s Keeper Ministries. Tickets are $40 (or $125 to also attend the VIP reception at 6:30 p.m.) and include a signed copy of the book. Tickets are available via Ticketmaster. For more information, visit . A version of this story appears on page 4E of the Sunday, Aug. 16, 2009, print edition of the Detroit Free Press. We’ve made some big changes to and we’re anxious to hear what you think of our new look. Isle Royale — Michigan’s only national park — is part myth and part majesty. See what this oasis has to offer. It’s Dream Cruise weekend, and local moms are talking about the cars that move them.
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