Gold Coast Gay Day 2009 was a big success according to its committee, with glorious weather and a great turn out supporting the event.
In its second year running, the day saw approximately 1700 people through the gates, a large increase in crowd numbers and stall holders from the previous 2007 event. “I still have the biggest grin on my face, the day was a huge success! The weather was glorious, the program ran to time, the music was constant and the entertainers were great,” said Roni Schmutsch from the Gold Coast Gay Day committee. “Congratulations go out to all the wonderful gay community that came out in support. We are very pleased that the majority of the crowd seemed to be having a great day!” Figures are yet to be released on how much money the event raised for the Care For Life: Suicide Prevention charity, but the amount is sure to top the $500 raised last time the event ran in 2007. The only incident of the day was when two female party goers scaled a building, trying to cut down a giant rainbow flag and steal it. Â “Obviously they have no respect for our flag, our event or our community,” said Roni in response. “Brisbane Pride have been kind enough to lend us the flag each year, and these girls showed nothing but their stupidity.” The committee have not confirmed whether Gold Coast Gay Day will return in 2010, but after this year’s success it looks very likely.
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