BAD BLUE: Fitness events The 18th annual NAACP Youth Council 5K Fund Run/Walk: 8:30 a.m.
Saturday in Audubon Park. Pre-registration by Friday: $15 ($14 Memphis Runners Track Club members) $10 youth (ages 14 and under). Race day: $20 ($15 Memphis Runners Track Club members) $10 youth (ages 14 and under). Call 521-1343. The 28th annual Outdoors Inc. Canoe and Kayak Race: 10 a.m. Saturday at Green Belt Park in Harbor Town on Mud Island. Proceeds from race will benefit the Church Health Center. Registration ends 6 p.m. Friday. 482-5998. Hadassah 5K Breast Cancer Run/Walk: 8:30 a.m. Sunday at Shelby Farms (registration 7:30 a.m.) Family event walk and activities for children. Online: Sierra Club Chickasaw Group: 1 p.m. Sunday “Signs of Spring” Walk at the Memphis Botanic Garden. Easy, 11/2 -hour walk on paved walkways and forest trail. Meet at Visitors Center. Free with garden admission. Call 276-2819. Transplant Fore Life Golf Classic: Shotgun start 1 p.m. May 4 at the Irene Golf and Country Club, 8141 Irene Blvd. Registration and lunch begin 11:30 a.m. Entry fees for four-person teams $500 ($150 individual golfers). Proceeds benefit the Methodist University Hospital Transplant Institute Resource Center. 516-0617.
The 23rd annual Bishop’s Open Golf Tournament: May 8 in Southaven at the North Creek Course. Entry fee $150 per person (includes green fee, cart, golf balls, free range balls along with the pre-tournament dinner). Fundraiser for Catholic Education Scholarship Trust, a program of the Diocese of Memphis Department of Education. Entry forms online: . Call 373-1205.