Hometown Happenings 2009: Hernando Today

Hometown Happenings

Hernando Today Hernando Computer Club will present “Introduction to Computers with Windows Vista,” part two of three, by Ron Purkhiser at 10 a.m.
in the North Room “Ebay” by Tim Neddy at 1 p.m. in the North Room and “Linux Workshop” by Clint Pollitt at 7 p.m. in the South Room, all Monday, May 11, at Grace Presbyterian Church located at 8375 Spring Hill Drive, Spring Hill. Lecture classes do not require registration, but hands-on classes require preregistration. The public is welcome. For information, visit the club’s Web site at or call the club at 352-592-0070. Genealogy Interest Group will meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 12, at the West Hernando Branch Library, 6335 Blackbird Ave., off State Road 50, Brooksville. The public is welcome. For information, call Kathleen Marsh at 352-796-1623.

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