HR Derby Loads Of Fun A Good Cause 2009: Open Charity

HR Derby Loads of fun a good cause

The best way to open a day of charity, at least for baseball players, would have to be a home run derby contest at
Metro Bank Park, home of the Harrisburg Senators. The contest kicked off a day of charity to raise money for the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Foundation of Harrisburg. With the help of the league and a couple of special guests for the kids, the Pennsylvania Midstate Baseball League was able to raise $1,270 for the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Foundation. “The $1,270 was donated strictly by the players and coaches,” Malakin said. “This amount did not include the money raised selling ice cream and beverages.” For the Midstate Baseball League, the players entered in the derby shared these sentiments as more than 20 players jumped at the chance to test their power in a professional stadium. Along with raising money and giving a chance for area players to test their strength, Big Brothers/Big Sisters trooped kids out to the field to stand with players and shag some fly balls in the derby contest. “I knew the day was a success,” Mechanicsburg Mets manager Sean Malakin said, “when I saw the excitement and smiles on the faces of the boys and girls of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Capital Region. They were so excited. They enjoyed interacting with the players and were extremely happy when they made some outstanding catches.”
“As a kid growing up,” Malakin said, “I always admired the players in the big leagues who got involved with organizations that helped kids in their communities. I knew that if I could, I would find a way to give back as an adult. The sport of baseball, the players of the Midstate Baseball League, and my teammates and the coaches have given me the opportunity to achieve that goal.”

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