In Latvia The Fairhaired Are Taking Over 2009: Times Wires

In Latvia the fairhaired are taking over

Times Wires In Print: Friday, May 29, 2009 Blonds rule In Latvia, the fair-haired are taking over The Latvian Blonds association — take a
minute to digest the fact that there is an association of Latvian blonds — has decided that the way to combat the economic gloom of the country is with a parade of 2,000 blond women through the capital of Riga on Sunday. The motto of the event will be “Make the World a Brighter Place.” Awwww. There will be a blonds-only orchestra, and the parade will culminate in a ball that will honor the country’s best blonds in various fields, including law and journalism. “People need positive emotions, and I hope this event will cheer them up,” Marika Gederte, head of the blond-headed consortium, told RIA Novosti. Hard Thyme Inmates serve time, and fresh veggies Sandusky (Ohio) County Sheriff Kyle Overmyer had to trim his budget by $75,000, and came up with an idea: Let the inmates grow some of their own food. About a half-acre of jail grounds has been dedicated to fruits and vegetables, and low-risk inmates are tending to the crops. Budget cuts recently caused pancakes to be taken off the menu at the jail.
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