Senior Center painting exhibit on display A traveling exhibit showcasing the works created at the Milford Senior Center Atelier under the direction of Sal
Ferreira will be shown at the Milford Town Library in the Children’s Program Room through May 4. Participating artists include: Claire Coyne, Sal Ferreira, Dorothy Grillo, Peg Hendrickson, Arlene Person, Don Rose, Rosa Soares, Vinnie Squieiari, Walda Vasile and Helen Wright. Select paintings are for sale with a portion of the purchase price being donated to the Friends of the Milford Town Library. Don’t miss our first spelling b-e-e The library will host its first ever spelling bee on Saturday, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. for students in grades 1-4. Only Milford residents may compete, including students in public or private school or who are home-schooled. Judges for the spelling bee include former state Rep. Marie Parente, Superintendent Robert Tremblay, and WMRC News director Ed Thompson. Local banks including the Milford National Milford Federal Savings and Middlesex Bank have donated savings bonds to be awarded to the top spellers.
Information is available online at and you can either go to the Children’s Room or you can call it at 508-473-2145, ext. 216.