Jakes OffRoad Triathlon Attracted 120 Local And International 2009: Ministry Youth

Jakes OffRoad Triathlon Attracted 120 Local and International

Ministry of Youth, Sport & Culture Jake’s Off-Road Triathlon Attracted 120 Local and International Athletes More than 120 local and international athletes participated in
the 14th annual Jake’s Off-Road Triathlon held last Sunday (April 26) in Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth. The competitors, including 30 teams, vied for top honours as they participated in a 500-metre swim, a 25-kilometre mountain bike race and a seven-kilometre run. The triathletes competed for the fastest overall course completion time, including timed transitions between the swim, bike, and run components. Prizes such as gift baskets, weekends at selected resorts, and plaques, were awarded to the top three finishers in the individuals and team events. Some of the competitors expressed their enthusiasm at competing in the event with some indicating that they have participated in previous triathlons.
Proceeds from the Jake’s Off-Road Triathlon, held in April of each year, go to the BREDS Treasure Beach Foundation, a local charity that helps the people of the small farming and fishing community.

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