Herald Times Reporter • August 19, 2009 MISHICOT — The Wisconsin Public Service Corporation will shut off power in parts of Mishicot and Gibson
on Thursday as necessary upgrades are made to the system, according to a news release. MANITOWOC — U.S. Rep. Tom Petri, R-Fond du Lac, will visit the Manitowoc County Domestic Violence Center this morning. DVC Director Sue Sippel said the recessionary economy has taken “a toll on domestic violence victims. “With fewer resources in communities and families, more victims turn to shelters and outreach programs to escape from life-threatening violence,” Sippel said. “We need support now more than ever.” MANITOWOC — Sail, the Young Professionals Network, will hold a kickoff event from 6 to 8 p.m. Sept. 3 at Knox’s Silver Valley Supper Club, 1222 South Alverno Road. The evening will include information about the organization and its members. A preview of upcoming Sail activities will be presented. For information or to register, call the Chamber, (920) 684-5575 or via-e-mail, infochambermanitowoc county.org. MANITOWOC — Proceeds from a picnic and raffle set for noon to 4 p.m. Sept. 6 at the Elks Club, 200 E. Waldo Blvd., will go toward Water in Africa Through Everyday Responsiveness. The founder of the Wisconsin-based charity is Manitowoc native Jim Niquette.
He has received financial assistance from individuals and organizations including the Manitowoc Noon Rotary. Niquette said the event’s goal is to raise $20,000 for the educational expenses of 75 children in Ghana. Organizations and businesses participating include Noon Rotary, Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry, Alpert & Fellows and Independent Realty.