Leaders Well Done! 2009: Involved The

Leaders Well done!

Get involved THE Examiner Charity Challenge marked its 20th anniversary yesterday.
Around 600 people walked, rode or cycled a selection of routes around Meltham to raise funds for charities. Among them was a team of Examiner reporters, walking for bone marrow donation charity the Anthony Nolan Trust, in memory of former Examiner journalist Adrian Sudbury, who died of leukaemia last August. Thousands of pounds were raised for good causes at the event, which brings together fitness fans and novices. It really is a day that everyone can get involved in, whatever their age or fitness level. And, despite the rainy weather, it was heart-warming to see that people did want to get involved.
Even after 20 years, hundreds of people turn out every May to help their chosen charity, or the nominated charities of the Examiner and Lions clubs, who co-organise the event.

Event Date and Time:
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