Leukaemia Foundation Doorknock Appeal

Leukaemia Foundation Doorknock Appeal

The Leukaemia Foundation is starting a new fundraising initiative, an annual national Doorknock Appeal.
Usually, if you’re at home during the day and you get an unexpected knock at the door, you go to great lengths to pretend you’re not at home, being that it’s more than likely that the doorknocker is a hawker, a Jehovahs witness, a Mormon or an alien who impolitely wants you to take them to your leader.
But you can rest assured that between July 21 and August 3 it won’t be any of the aforementioned scary surprise visitors.
If you get a knock at the door between those dates it’s probably going to be someone from the Leukaemia Foundation Doorknock Appeal. So be prepared, and if it makes life easier, have your donation already on hand to give.

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