Someone said that if he had done that well while on the campaign trail in Pennsylvania, he might have avoided a number of headaches.
If you recall, the President rolled an embarrassing 37 and the press had a field day. The trio of Earl Purcell, Donnie Johnson and Larry Barker won the Men’s Old Spice Trio Tournament at McHenry with a 2,347 total. Johnson tallied a 765 series, Purcell added a 760 and Barker threw in a 722 for the winning total plus handicap. Mike James, Mike Swickard and Ray Swickard took second at 2,310. Ray led the team with a 772 set. Gene Cummings won the men’s side of the Yosemite “55 & Over No-tap” with an 886. Charles Nishiguchi was second with his 846 and Harold Walker followed with his 844. Walker included a no-tap 300 game in his set. On the women’s side, Ann Zuidema topped the field scoring an 876. Joyce Goblirsch took second tallying 867. In third was Rose Baker with an 814 total. One more congratulations to the NorCal Youth All Stars. We had eight locals make their way to Reno for the 2009 All-Star Team Awards Presentation and Dinner. The honorees with their classification are Saralyne Nassberg (Bantam Girls), Derrick Munson (Bantam Boys), Matthew Williams (Prep Boys), Kyle Simi and Will Garber (Junior Boys), Christopher Davidson and Scott Boyle (Major Boys) and Scott Christensen (Senior Boys). This Friday the “Summer’s End” No-tap will be rolling at McHenry starting at 1 p.m. Check-in is at 12:30. Tickets are still available for the Modesto USBC Awards and Installation Dinner, Saturday at 6 p.m. They can be bought at either bowling center or from an association board member for $25. The event will be at the Elks Club, 645 Charity Way, in Modesto. The newly elected board will be officially installed, including President Jay Glover, and vice presidents Tim Miller and Ed Blomdahl. Brittany Marckese, Christopher Davidson, Matt Glover and Marc Davis will be recognized and awarded the association scholarships they’ve earned. The five 2009 “Bowler of the Year” winners &mdash Bill Hamilton, Rose Brown, Tara Sorrell, Fritz Klatt, and Christopher Davidson &mdash will also be presented their awards.
Congratulations to the winners of their summer league. Two end-of-season tournaments are set to roll next week to complete the summer season schedule. The Pot-of-Gold Tournament is rolling at Yosemite and is open to qualifying teams from the summer leagues. The Grand Prix Tournament rolls at McHenry and guarantees $1,000 for first place. Teams from Grand Prix leagues are eligible.