This is a no-cost club for anyone of any age and fitness level who simply desires to become a more healthy individual.
Whether an experienced athlete or simply a person with the desire to run a mile, 5K or participate in a cycling event for the first time, this club is the right place to be. Part of the club’s mission is to foster group training and support for its members as well as to develop a physically fit social environment for the community. Club promoters aim to promote a healthy, active lifestyle, regardless of athletic ability in a social atmosphere. However, club members can participate in competitive events if they so choose. The mission also includes the use of the sports or running, swimming and cycling to help raise funds for charity through the organization of events. One of their first goals is to organize a combined 5K, a shorter run/walk and a first for Nevada, a 10K run this fall with all proceeds going to charity. If you have ever wanted to participate in an event like this, but have found yourself unable to take that first step, come out and join in some fun training in a supportive group environment. None of these events are instructional, simply a chance to exercise with people with similar goals and interests. The club will hold an informational meeting on Tuesday, May 12, at 5:30 p.m., at the Osage Prairie YMCA. The meeting will include a brief discussion of the club, as well as an opportunity to have any outstanding questions answered. Thoughts and suggestions are encouraged to make the club a success and bringing as many people as possible one step closer to a healthier life. For more information on Nevada Area Multisport, visit .
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