Local Golf Briefs 2009: April 27

Local golf briefs

April 27, 2009 The Sheboygan YMCA is offering adult (age 17 and older) golf lessons for the beginner/intermediate level golfer on Wednesday evenings from
5:30 p.m.&ndash6:30 p.m. starting on May 6 and going through June 10 at Sunset Hills. Learn the basic fundamentals, rules and etiquette. The cost is $59 for members, $79 for non-members. Join the UW-Sheboygan Foundation for its second annual Scholarship Fundraising Golf Outing at Whistling Straits’ Irish Course on Wednesday, May 6. The day begins at noon with registration and check-in, followed by a 1 p.m. shotgun start. The event features a Better Ball Scramble format, with each player keeping his own stroke score with the foursome recording only the top-performing golfer for the official tournament score sheet. Carts will be available to all participating golfers at no extra charge, but must remain on cart paths at all times. Participants will have the opportunity to compete in the longest drive contest for an award and UW-Sheboygan apparel, as well as a hole-in-one competition that will award the first hole-in-one on Hole 6 a grand prize of $5,000 in cash and a $5,000 named scholarship to a UW-Sheboygan student. Additional hole contests and prizes will be available on selected holes throughout the 18-hole course. Following the outing, all participants are invited to gather at The Haven Bar & Grill, located just down from the entrance to Whistling Straits, beginning at 5:30 p.m. for a free brat fry and awards ceremony. Brats will be provided by Old Wisconsin Sausage. The Thielmann’s Athletic Club’s 26th annual bestball golf tournament will be held on Saturday May 16 at Riverdale Country Club. The entry fee is $50 per four-person team, green fees and carts extra.
Tee times are from 7-11 a.m. Pay-outs and prizes are spread out through the field, so all teams will have a chance to win. At least one out of every four players will win something.

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