10 a.m.
to noon: Blood Pressure Testing: Free. Lobby Alameda Hospital, 2070 Clinton Ave. (Info: 814-4362). 6 to 9 p.m. Shimmy Shimmy Kids’ Dance: Kick back ’60s style with pizza, jugglers, clowns and dance music for the whole family… Friday, Aug. 21 10 a.m. to noon: Blood Pressure Testing: Free. Lobby Alameda Hospital, 2070 Clinton Ave. (Info: 814-4362) 6 to 9 p.m. Shimmy Shimmy Kids’ Dance: Kick back ’60s style with pizza, jugglers, clowns and dance music for the whole family. Special performance at 7. Admission: $10, adults $5, 3 and older no charge, 2 and younger. Rhythmix Cultural Works, 2513 Blanding Ave. (Info: 865-5060 or www.rhythmix.org ) 6 to 10 p.m. Zeitgeist: Opening reception for an exhibit of work by various local artists. Autobody Fine Art, 1517 Park St. (Info: 865-2608 or www.autobodyfineart.com) 6 to 11 p.m. Reunion: Cocktail party gathering for the Encinal High School, class of 1989. Pasta Pelican, 2455 Mariner Square Drive. (Info: Veronica Estropia-Carney, 917-5341 or veronicacarney hotmail.com) 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Express Yourself: Share the arts, music, poetry or just observe. Suggested donation: $10 with some of the proceeds going to charity. Bring a snack to share. (Info: Cathy Dana, 523-7853)
8 p.m. Annie: Presented by Alameda Civic Light Opera Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. through Aug. 23. Kofman Auditorium, 2200 Central Ave. (Info, tix: 864-2256 or www.aclo.com)